Who this class is for

Our three-hour espresso and milk class is suitable for all baristas – whether you’re just starting out and want to learn the basics of how to make espresso and steam milk, or you’ve been making espresso drinks for a while and want to refine your skills. This class is also popular with people who are curious about specialty coffee, and want to learn more about why certain coffees taste the way they do, and just generally get more out of their cafe visits.

What you’ll learn

In this fun and hands-on class, we’ll show you how we make espresso in our shops, and teach you some tricks that will help you make beautiful espresso-based beverages at home. We’ll taste different extractions side by side and show you how to tweak your espresso recipes to get the most out of your beans and home equipment. We’ll also share our tips for steaming milk and show you how to pour latte art so your drinks will look as delicious as they taste! This class covers the journey of the coffee beans from harvest to roaster to cup, how to assess extraction and describe the flavours of the brew, and how to steam and pour milk.

What to expect on the day

Our espresso class has a maximum of four participants, so you’ll have plenty of hands-on experience making coffee, and plenty of time to ask all your espresso-related questions. You’ll be making and tasting coffee throughout the session, and we’ll also send you home with a bag of Market Lane beans and a copy of our brew guide so you can keep up your new skills at home!
